Prof. HE Qiliang Professor & Head of Department Email: qhe@hksyu.edu
1.1 Academic Background
September 2000-June 2006 Department of History, University of Minnesota, MA and Ph. D.
September 1992-July 1996 Department of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiaotong University. BS
1.2 Working Experience
2023-present Head of the Department of History , Hong Kong Shue Yan University
2021-present Professor, Hong Kong Shue Yan University
2020-2023 Distinguished Professor 特聘教授, Shanghai University (The High-level Overseas Talent Recruitment Program of Shanghai上海市海外高層次人才引進計劃)
2021 Professor, Illinois State University, USA
2017-2021 Associate Professor, Illinois State University, USA
2014-2017 Assistant Professor, Illinois State University, USA
2014 Associate Professor, University of South Carolina Upstate, USA
2006-2014 Assistant Professor, University of South Carolina Upstate, USA
1.3 Works in Progress
“Cinema and Cinemagoing in Early-twentieth-century China,” book manuscript, in preparation.
“The People’s Cinema: Motion Picture, Audiences, and Market in Mao’s China,” book manuscript, in preparation.
1.4 Awards and Honors
2019, Janice Witherspoon Neuleib Award for Outstanding Scholarly Achievement of the Year by a Tenured Faculty Member (CAS, Illinois State University)
2014, Special Recognition in Consideration of His Assistance with Internationalizing the Campus (The Center for International Studies, USC Upstate)
1.5 Courses Taught
Over 20 courses in both English and Chinese on China, East Asia, and the world in higher education institutions in the US and China.
Twentieth-Century Chinese History
Urban History
Cultural History
HIST 390 History of the People's Republic of China
HIST 410 History of the Republican China(1912-1949)
HIST 411 China since 1949 (1949-Present)
HIST 450 China in the Contemporary World
HIST 460 Intellectual History of Modern China
HIST 467 Issues & Controversies in Modern Chinese History
In English:
Working the System: Motion Picture, Filmmakers, and Subjectivities in Mao-Era China, 1949–1966. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2023. ISBN: 978-9888805600. (https://hkupress.hku.hk/Working_the_System?search=Working%20the%20System%3A%20Motion%20Picture%2C%20Filmmakers%2C%20and%20Subjectivities%20in%20Mao-Era%20China%2C%201949%E2%80%931966).;
The People’s West Lake: Propaganda, Nature, and Agency in Mao’s China (1949-76). Honolulu: The University of Hawai’i Press, 2023. ISBN: 9780824894894; 9780824895594.;
Newspapers and the Journalistic Public in Republican China: 1917 as a Significant Year of Journalism. London: Routledge, 2018. ISBN 978-1138344693.;
Feminism, Women’s Agency, and Communication in Early Twentieth-Century China—The Case of the Huang-Lu Elopement. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. ISBN 978-3319896915.;
Gilded Voices: Economics, Politics, and Storytelling in the Yangzi Delta since 1949. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2012. xii, 306pp. ISBN 978-9004232440.
He, Qiliang. “Newspapers in Modern China: Historical Origins and Contemporary Development.” Routledge Resources Online - Chinese Studies, edited by Chris Shei and Qing Cao. London: Routledge, 2024. DOI: 10.4324/9780367565152-RECHS113-1.
He, Qiliang and Xiangxiang Lily Jiang. “The Aural/Visual Synchrony: Opera Film, Close-up, and Cinematic Literacy in Mao-era China (1949-1966).” Chinoperl: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature , 43.1 (July 2024 ): 1-22.
He, Qiliang. “Mao’s Hidden Body: The Liu Estate and Informal Politics in the People’s Republic of China, 1954-1966.” Studies on Asia, 9.1 (2024): 40-63.
Li, Shangyang and Qiliang He. “Unsung Heroine: Wang Ruqi, the 1950 Marriage Law, and State-Legal Feminism.” Modern China, 50.4 (2024): 446-468. SSCI.
He, Qiliang and Jie Tan. “Cinema, Colonialism, and Contact Zone: The Movie Theater and City Governance in Early-Twentieth-Century Shanghai.” International Journal of Asian Studies, 20(2) (2023): 591-609. A&HCI
He, Qiliang and Meng Wang. “Wu Xun, Song Jingshi, and Lin Zexu: Cinema and Historiography in Mao’s China (1949-1966).” Asian Studies Review, 46(2) (2022): 331-49. SSCI
He, Qiliang and Meng Wang. “From Wu Xun to Lu Xun: Film, Stardom, and Subjectivity in Mao’s China (1949-1976).” Modern China, 48(3) (2022): 650-75. SSCI
He, Qiliang. “De-partifying the Partisan Newspaper: Southeastern Daily in the 1930s.” Contemporary Media Research, No. 1 (2022): 1-28.
He, Qiliang. “Afforestation, Propaganda, and Agency: The Case of Hangzhou in Mao’s China.” Modern Asian Studies, 56(1) (2022): 378-406. SSCI
He, Qiliang. “‘Watching Fish at the Flower Harbor’: Landscape, Space, and the Propaganda State in Mao’s China.” Twentieth-Century China, 46(2) (May 2021): 181–98.
Huang, Wangli and Qiliang He. “Tomboy: New Womanhood, Stardom, and Chinese Cinema in the 1930s.” Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies, 20(2) (2020): 217-33. A&HCI
He, Qiliang, Volz, Lee, Chen, and Chin. “Historical Roundtable: Internationalizing Media History: The Curious Case of China.” Historiography in Mass Communication, 6(3) (May 2020): 39-62.
He, Qiliang. “Businessman or Literatus? Hu Zhengzhi and Dagong bao, 1916-1920.” East Asian History, 40 (2016): 51-67.
He, Qiliang. “Spectacular Death: Sheng Xuanhuai’s Funeral in 1917.” Twentieth-Century China, 41(2) (April 2016): 135-68.
He, Qiliang. “Between Accommodation and Resistance: Pingtan Storytelling in 1960s Shanghai.” Modern Asian Studies, (DOI: 10.1017/S0026749X12000789), 48(3) (May 2014): 524-49. SSCI
He, Qiliang. “Between Sensationalism and Didacticism: News Coverage of the Huang-Lu affair and the Chinese Press in the Late 1920s.” Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies, 12(1) (2012): 19-40. A&HCI
He, Qiliang. “Way Down East, ‘Way Down West:’ Hollywood Cinema and the Rise of Conservatism in 1920s China.” Frontiers of History in China, 6(4) (December 2011): 505-24.
He, Qiliang. “High Ranking CCP Bureaucrats and Oral Performing Literature: the Case of Chen Yun and Pingtan in the People’s Republic of China.” Chinoperl Papers, No. 30 (2011): 73-97.
He, Qiliang. “Between Business and Bureaucrats: Pingtan Storytelling in Maoist and Post-Maoist China.” Modern China, 36(3) (May 2010): 243–68. SSCI
He, Qiliang. “Scandal and the New Woman: Identities and Mass Culture in 1920s China.” Studies on Asia, Series IV, 1(1) (Fall 2010): 1-28.
He, Qiliang. “Print the Province: Liansheng zizhi and Hangzhou Newspapers in the Early 1920s.” The Chinese Historical Review, 14(2) (Fall 2007): 240-65.
Merchants and Society in Modern China: Rise of Merchant Groups, by Tang Lixing 唐力行. Translated by Qiliang He. London: Routledge, 2018. ISBN: 1138089125; 9781138089129.;
Merchants and Society in Modern China: From Guild to Chamber of Commerce, by Tang Lixing 唐力行. Translated by Qiliang He. London: Routledge, 2018. ISBN: 1138089133; 9781138089136.;
A Short History of the Ming Dynasty, by Li Guangbi 李光璧. Translated by Qiliang He (Minneapolis: The Society for Ming Studies, 2016).
“Costume, Ceremonial, and East Asian Order: What the Annamese King Wore When Congratulating the Emperor Qianlong in Jehol in 1790” by Ge Zhaoguang 葛兆光. Translated by Qiliang He. Frontiers of History in China, Vol. 7, No. 1 (March 2012): 136-51.
“Cultural Challenges of Globalization” by Zhang Yiwu 張頤武. Translated by Qiliang He and Jason McGrath. Journal of Contemporary China, 17 (57) (November 2008): 733–46.
In Chinese:
《人民的西湖:毛澤東時代的宣傳、自然與能動性(1949-1976)》,香港:中文大學出版社,2024年. ISBN 978-988-237-332-7.
《個體與集體之間:五六十年代的評彈事業 》,北京:商務印書館, 2013. ISBN 978-7-100-09596-9.
〈「盛出喪」: 民初上海城市景觀與大衆的興起〉(Sheng Xuanhuai’s funeral: the urban landscape and the rise of the masses in early republican Shanghai). In 《上海:都市想象與日常生活的更張》 (Shanghai: the global city aspiration and the transformation of the everyday), edited by 姜進, 55-75. Shanghai: Shanghai cishu chubanshe, 2020.
〈導論〉(Introduction). In 《中國近代歷史城市·指南—杭州篇(一)》 (City Guidebooks of Modern China: Hangzhou Section I), edited by 《中央研究院近代史研究所城市史研究群》, I-IX. Taipei: Zhongyang yanjiuyuan jindaishi yanjiusuo and Kaiyuan shuju, 2019.
〈評彈的歷史研究〉(Studies on Pingtan storytelling as history). 《光前裕後—一百個蘇州評彈人的口述歷史》, edited by唐力行, 13-29. Beijing: Shangwu yinshuguan商務印書館, 2019.
〈黃慧如與陸根榮:彈詞戲曲文本與社會文化變遷〉 (Huang Huiru and Lu Genrong: tanci and operatic texts and soci0cultural transformations). In《光前裕後—一百個蘇州評彈人的口述歷史》, edited by唐力行, 705-18. Beijing: Shangwu yinshuguan商務印書館, 2019.
〈政治娛樂化及其局限性〉 (Entertainization of politics and its limitations). In 《評彈文論選集》, edited by蘇州市文學藝術界聯合會, 598-600. Suzhou: Guwuxuan chubanshe, 2016.
李尚陽、何其亮:〈法律女權主義:王汝琪與1950年《婚姻法》的誕生〉.《中國鄉村研究》Rural China: An International Journal of History and Social Science 21 (2024): 159–184. doi:10.1163/22136746-12341313.
〈危險的愉悅〉.《電影研究》, No. 9 (December 2023): 23-35.
〈園林與歷史〉.《江南社會歷史評論》, No. 22 (September 2023). Beijing: Shangwu yinshu guan 商務印書館: 22-25. CSSCI
〈個體藝術的集體化:建國後的上海評彈團〉.《江南社會歷史評論》, No. 20 (October 2022). Beijing: Shangwu yinshu guan 商務印書館: 312-22. CSSCI
〈忘卻的紀念:中國電影放映事業先驅雷瑪斯考〉. Journal of Film Studies 《電影理論研究》, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2021): 56-63.
〈《賴婚》、保守主義與中國早期情節劇電影〉 (Way Down East, conservatism, and early melodrama films in China). Journal of Film Studies 《電影理論研究》, Vol. 1, No. 1 (November 2019): 71-80.
〈媒體,城市與上海電影事業的發端〉 (Media, city, and the start of Shanghai’s film industry). Shanghai yishu pinglun 《上海藝術評論》, No. 6 (2018): 82-84.
〈黃陸之愛:法律、媒體、大衆娛樂與二十年代末的保守思潮〉 (The Huang-Lu affair: law, media, mass entertainment, and conservatism in the late 1920s). Jiangnan shehui lishi pinglun 《江南社會歷史評論》, No. 11 (October 2017). Beijing: Shangwu yinshu guan商務印書館: 97-115. CSSCI
〈評彈的歷史研究〉 (Studies on Pingtan storytelling as history). Jiangnan shehui lishi pinglun 《江南社會歷史評論》, No. 8 (March 2016). Beijing: Shangwu yinshu guan商務印書館: 256-81. CSSCI
〈政治娛樂化:20世紀五六十年代的中篇評彈〉 (Politics as entertainments: middle-length pingtan stories in the 1950s and 1960s). Jiangnan shehui lishi pinglun 《江南社會歷史評論》, No. 3 (October 2011). Beijing: Shangwu yinshu guan商務印書館: 125-54. CSSCI
〈禪的俳句,俳句的龐德〉 (Zen of parallel, parallel of Ezra Pound). Shanghai Jiaotong daxue xuebao (Shehui kexue ban) 《上海交通大學學報》, No. 2 (1996): 105-108.
2020, Referee for the Best Student Papers, Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs;
2019-Present, Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of Film Studies, Shanghai;
2019-Present, Board member, The Historical Society for Twentieth-Century China (HSTCC);
2019-2020, Researcher at the Shanghai-Berkeley Center for Media and Film Studies