Dr. Chu Sin Jan

PT Lecturer

Email: sjchu@hksyu.edu


Academic and Professional Qualifications


1993 Ph.D. in History ( Chinese and European), Boston University.

1984 M.A. in Church History, Boston University.

1982 B.A. (Magna Cum Laude) in History (European and Middle Eastern), Boston University.            


Working Experience

2008 -2009      Part-Time Lecturer, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong. Teach Western Civilization and World Religions.

2006                Part-Time Lecturer, Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary, Hong Kong. Teach Thinking Methods.

2005                Part-Time Lecturer, Lingnan University, Hong Kong. Teach Translation of Texts in Social Sciences and Publication Workshop.

2003                Part-Time Lecturer, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong. Teach World Religions. 

1999-2001          Assistant Professor of History, Chinese Culture University (中國文化大學), Taipei, Taiwan. Teach Chinese Cultural History, Modern World History, European History (Ancient and Medieval), and History of Science.

1997-1999        Visiting Assistant Professor of Humanities, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong. Teach Christianity and Chinese Culture, History of Christianity in China, and World Religions.

1995-1997        Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Religion, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Project “Christianity in China: An Intellectual Approach.”  Courses Taught: History of Christianity in China, and Christianity and Chinese Culture.

1995               Adjunct Lecturer, East Asia School of Theology, Singapore.

                        Adjunct Lecturer, Seminari Theoloji Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

                        Adjunct Lecturer, Singapore Bible College, Singapore.

                        Adjunct Lecturer, Trinity Theological College, Singapore.

                        Teach History of Christianity in China and Christianity and Chinese Culture. 

1991-1993        Translator, World Journal (世界日報). Translate news from English to Chinese in the World Journal’s Boston Section.

1987- 1991     Instructor and Translator, Boston Language Institute. Teach Chinese to American adult students and translate English documents into Chinese.

1984-1985        Special Education Teacher, Charlestown High School, Boston Public Schools. Teach English and Mathematics to students with special needs.


Scholarships and Awards

2010 The Christopher Tang Award for Theological Work of the Year.

1997 The Excellent Teaching Award, Department of Religion, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

1989 The Outstanding Service Award, The Big Sister Association of Greater Boston .


Social Services

1987-88         Social Worker, The Big Sister Association of Greater Boston.

                        Screen, training and supervising volunteers as role models for Asian children.

1986-91         Youth Director, Boston Taiwanese Christian Church.

                        Plan and organize activities for English-speaking Taiwanese youth.

Research Interests

Qualification Summary

Specialized in Church History, History of Christianity in China, European Medieval History,  Jewish History, World Religions, and Chinese Intellectual History.

Skillful in languages: Chinese (Mandarin, Hokkien, and Cantonese), English and Latin.

Specialized in Greek and Latin roots of English language.


“Chancellor Wu Leichuan: A Confucian-Christian Educator ,” in Arthur Rosenbaum, ed., New Perspective on Yenching University 1919-1952: A Liberal Education for a New China (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2012).

“Chancellor Wu Leichuan: A Confucian-Christian Educator ,” in Arthur Rosenbaum, ed., New Perspective on Yenching University 1919-1952: A Liberal Education for a New China (Chicago: Imprint Publication, 2011).

《安身與立命:東方教會在華宣教史》 (Being Human: The Church of the East  Mission in China: A.D. 635-1368). Hong Kong: Chinese Baptist Press, May 2009.

Editor and Annotator, “李提摩太傳” (Timothy Richard of China: Seer, Statesman, Missionary  & the Most Disinterested Adviser the Chinese Ever Had, by William  E. Soothill (London: Seeley, Service, 1926) translated by Ling Oi Ki. Hong Kong: Chinese Christian Literature Council, 2007. 

Book Review: Borrowed Gods and Foreign Bodies: Christian Missionaries Imagine Chinese Religion (Berkeley and Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 2004, xvi + 266 pp) by Eric Reinders. Mission Studies: Journal of the International Association for Mission Studies, October, 2005.

“Confucianism and Christianity,” in Dictionary of Asian Christianity, Scott Sanquist, ed., Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2001, pp. 408-411.

“燕京大學校長吳雷川” (Wu Leichuan: Yenching University Chancellor) in Chinese Presidents in Christian Universities edited by Peter T.M. Ng. Fuzhou: Fujian Jiaoyu Chuban She, 2001. 

Editor and translator, “梁發中國最早的宣教師” (China’s First Preacher: Liang A-Fa 1789-1855 by G.H. McNeur). Hong Kong: Chinese Christian Literature Council, 1998.

Wu Leichuan: A Confucian-Christian in Republican China.  New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., 1995.


Conference Papers 

“Wu Leichuan: A Confucian-Christian at Yenching University,” International Conference: Yenching University and Liberal Education in Modern China, Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies, Peking University, Beijing, China (26 April 2014).

“Chinese Catholic Converts in the Ming Dynasty,” Fourth International Convention of Asia Scholars, Shanghai Exhibition Center, China (20-24 August 2005).

“Wu Leichuan as Chancellor at Yenching University,” The Yenching Experience and Higher Education Conference, Claremont College, Ontario, Ca, USA (23 – 25 May 1996).


Current Projects

《天人之際:大公教會(天主教)明代、南明宣教史(1552-1662)(Between Heaven and Man: Catholic Missions in China, 1552-1662), in two volumes.