HKSYU Department of History
Sit-in Class for the Course "Missionaries' Experiences in Hong Kong"
The Department of History at HKSYU offers a course titled "Missionaries' Experiences in Hong Kong," which explores the development of Christianity in Hong Kong. The course focuses on how Christian missionary efforts have contributed to religious, educational, medical, publishing, Sinology, and social welfare exchanges across cultures. It aims to analyze the significant impact of missionary activities on Hong Kong's social development, using Protestant and Catholic missionaries in Hong Kong as case studies.

This Tuesday, the Department will hold a sit-in class “Western Missionaries and Female Missionaries” on campus. Students and the public are welcome to attend.

Date: March 18 (Tuesday)
Venue: Mrs Dorothy Koo and Dr Ti Hua Koo Plaza
Time: 4:15 PM - 5:45 PM
Class: Western Missionaries and Female Missionaries